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Business Systems For Introverts

Build a thriving business that reflects the real you.

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What I Do

You might say I'm a process architect. I love helping introverts realize their dreams in a way that doesn't involve acting extraverted.

The business world is built for extraverts. If you were told to build a business model that relies on being gregarious and outgoing, there is another way.

My role is to custom-engineer your business processes to your value system.

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Sell Without Cold Calling

Do you struggle to "get out and network"?

Do you find it draining to "shake hands and kiss babies"?

Does it seem like some people succeed in sales because they have a seemingly inexhaustible social battery?

You don't need yet another cookie-cutter sales system designed for someone else. You can sell in a way that draws your natural strengths as an introvert.

Hire Without Drama

Do you struggle to find people with the right skills and find it even harder to keep the right people?

Do you frequently work late, handling the same tasks that you already paid someone else to handle?

Do you have a hiring need too small for a traditional recruiter but find that job boards and network referrals aren't bringing you the people you need either?

You can build and grow a team that reflects the values and commitments of your business without needing to luck out on a one-in-a-million hire.

Find The Money To Grow

Do you only look at your books when it's time to file taxes or when you need a loan from the bank?

Do you know the reality of how well your business is doing financially?

Do you know which leading and lagging financial indicators to watch?

You don't need to spend hours poring over confusing financial reports to figure out where the money in your business is going. I can create simple visual dashboards that give you a bird's eye view of your most critical numbers.

Who We Serve

Service-Based Businesses

I enjoy developing solutions that keep small business owners in the driver's seat of their growing businesses. The right mix of systems can protect your business from becoming overly dependent on individual employees and clients while ensuring that the company remains profitable.

Solo Self-Employed Professionals

Do you have an 8-5 job and want to start your own business? Are you currently self-employed and want to increase your income? I can build you the systems that allow you to grow and create a team to support you.

Ready to get started?

Call me at 919-723-7916 or email me at