Take Control Of Your Business Finances

When a business crosses the 7-figure mark, it is common to feel a loss of control. You may have had a great year and crushed your sales goals only to be left frustrated and wondering where the money went.

You’ve had to skip your paycheck or borrow from your personal savings at least once in the last year to cover operating expenses.

Sometimes you wonder if you are leaving money on the table by not charging enough. Other times, you suspect you are pricing yourself out of the market. You’ve wondered if you need to hire more people, use subcontractors, automate, outsource, or maybe just focus on drumming up more business. You've already cut fat everywhere you can think of. You don’t have the data to say for sure one way or the other.

You've felt the stress of watching your bank account balance drop, then feel a sigh of relief when a large deposit came in just in time to make payroll, all the while trying not to let your face show a hint of anxiety.

Because every business is different, there is no cookie-cutter solution. There is no off-the-shelf software package that will show you exactly what you need to see with one click of the mouse.

I specialize in helping companies like yours get a handle on their finances and see a clear bird’s eye view of their money: where it's coming from, where it's going, and where the gaps are, without spending hours hand-compiling reports and usually without the need to switch accounting software.

Five-Phase Approach

Here is an outline of the approach I take to giving you back a sense of control in your business.

Phase 1: Bookkeeping Review/Cleanup

The first step is to review and clean up your accounting system, fix any errors, and create an intuitive dashboard showing you the financial health of your business. Here's one example of a financial widget:

Phase 2: Time & Cost Analysis

The next step is to take a deeper dive into your cost structures to give you a clear picture of how much you are making on each job, client, project, or service line, and determine if and where price increases are necessary to keep your business healthy.

Phase 3: Future Scenario Cash Flow Forecasting

I'll build you a visual "gauge" to show you how long your cash supply is likely to hold out under different scenarios (for instance, how a new hire or a move to a larger office would impact your cash flows over the next 12 months).

Phase 4: KPI Dashboard

With the right foundation of financial tools in place, we will create simple visuals that you can put in front of your team to show current progress toward your business goals.


If you want an accounting system that you can use for more than just filing taxes and applying for loans, give me a call today to get started.